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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Concert Review: Sloan, October 19, Dakota Tavern

--taken from: The Panic Manual

by Ricky

Toronto – I have never seen Sloan before.

There..I’ve said it.

When I told this to a few of my friends, they were flabbergasted, and then slowly they all recalled when they first saw them, and it was always sometime in the mid 90s and always in some small bar somewhere.

Well, I grew up in Alberta, so it wasn’t like Sloan plays there on a regular basis like they did the East Coast or Toronto. I got to see Wide Mouth Mason a lot though…yay.

So when I saw that War Child and Sloan were collaborating to put on a charity show at the Dakota Tavern on October 19, I thought why not? The Dakota Tavern is a small space, it would be cool to see an established band like Sloan there and I usually feel guilty after seeing those Trebek/McLachlan War Child commercials on tv anyway. So I can basically score good karma points AND see Sloan for the first time in one shot. It was a no brainer. After I bought tickets I was thinking man, it’d be cool to see them play a greatest hits show at the Dakota (basically the only songs of theirs I knew).

Shortly thereafter, my friend D informed me that it was going to be a rarities show (along with some new material). I, of course, was like..shat. I don’t really know much Sloan and surely, I would not know any of their ‘rarities’. I would say lately, the word “Sloan” has been more associated with the hot YTV chick from Entourage then the band. Here is a pic of her. No way E bags this girl if he wasn’t associated with Vinnie Chase, I say.

So the show started around 9..I think there was maybe 50-60 people there. A good size crowd, Ed Robertson from the Barenaked Ladies was there and I think he did socks and sandals. Now here is where the wheels come off this review. I can maybe name 5 Sloan songs..maybe 10 if you really push me, so I can’t say what song they played in which order. Luckily, my friend D is a human encyclopedia of Springsteen, Rolling Stone and Sloan songs, so he was able to provide a set list of it is:

Twice Removed: I Can Feel It
One Chord To Another: Autobiography; A Side Wins; Can’t Face Up; Everything You’ve Done Wrong
Navy Blues: Keep On Thinkin’; Stand By Me, Yeah
Between The Bridges: The N.S.; Don’t Believe A Word; Friendship; The Marquee And The Moon; A Long Time Coming; Waiting For Slow Songs
Pretty Together: The Great Wall; Who You Talkin’ To?
Action Pact: The Rest Of My Life
Never Hear The End Of It: Someone I Can Be True With; Who Taught You To Live Like That?
Parallel Play: Living The Dream
NEW ep: Take It Upon Yourself; New Andrew Song
B-Side: At The Edge Of The Scene

The set was about 90-100 minutes and as a casual observer, I thought it was charming. I guess a lot of these songs have not been played in concert in a long time, so at times Patrick would forget the lyrics, but the crowd was more then willing to help along. There was multiple singalongs through out the night and man, the vibe was just good. The guys from the band seem pretty down to Earth and talked to the crowd as if they were all friends (I suspect a good bunch were friends). This was a pretty exchange

“This next song is off Pretty Together, nobody’s favorite album. Kinda like Born on a Pirate Ship”

Haha, thats pretty funny.

It would seem that to me that if you are a band who has toured extensively the last 15-20 years, it must feel good to be able to play a show in your neighborhood, at a place you probably frequent on a regular basis and be able to play songs you would never play at say, the Kool Haus, and get a positive response. This was what made the show good. It was a low key affair and everyone seemed to have a good time.

I guess I can cross Sloan off my list of Canadian bands that I should probably see. Broken Social are next.

--taken from: The Panic Manual

I heart Rock Music!

--taken from: Barenaked Ladies Blog

by Ed Robertson

I just got back from seeing Sloan at the Dakota.  It was a benefit for War Child.  I think they're the ones who make sure child soldiers get REALLY good guns??  Too Dark?  Likely.  I LOVED the show.  They are such a great band.  Great melodies, and inventive parts, mixed with the soap opera that is playing with the same group of dudes for 18 years!  It was a night of obscure tracks, and stuff they don't often play.  At one point Murphy introduced a song saying it was "from NO ONE'S favorite album", and then added "It's sort of our "Born on a Pirate Ship".  It was a lovely nod to Kev, Jim, and I who were all there enjoying the show.  He's dead at recess.  It was ragged, rough, and immediate... and it really hit the spot.  Sloan, Thanks for nearly 2 decades of great songs, and one hell of a show tonight.  Cheers.

--taken from: Barenaked Ladies Blog

Monday, October 19, 2009


preparing for War Child Nights benefit show @ The Dakota Tavern in Toronto, Ontario

--taken from: Sloanmusic's pikchur

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Force Sloan To Write A Song For You?

--taken from: Sloan Music's Facebook

CBC Radio 2 have recently announced their Great Canadian Song Quest competition in which a song will be commissioned to honour a specific location in each of our nation's provinces and territories.

Sloan have been selected as one of five potential songsmiths who will be tasked with penning a song to commemorate Nova Scotia's winning locale.

As it stands we have some very competent competition, and I would not be surprised if this is the last you hear from me on this matter. However, should we garner the most votes, I will be compelled to sequester Sloan until they come up with a suitably reverent and quintessentially Haligonian song about their home province.

The fate of this competition is in your good hands. I believe that this is one of those quasi-democratic contests in which the dedicated may vote daily. Onwards...

--taken from: Sloan Music's Facebook

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sloan made an EP (MP3), coming to the US, playing Brooklyn

--taken from: Brooklyn Vegan

by Bill Pearis

Canadian rock stalwarts Sloan play the Bell House in Brooklyn on December 4 and tickets are on sale today at noon. The band seem to be embracing the loosey-goosey nature of the new world of self-released records and digital downloads. A new EP is due any minute, with the lead track being a free download via the band's website. Here's a recent missive from the band:

Sloan have been busy in their studio putting the finishing touches on some new songs and rehearsing for fall touring.

As reported earlier, Chris Murphy was injured in a hit and run incident in late July. He needed shoulder surgery to repair some of the bone damage, and the band were forced to cancel some summer shows. We are happy to report that Chris is recovering well and will be ready to perform as usual on our fall and winter dates.

We would like to thank our friends Kevin Hilliard (Galore, Small Sins, MRCH) and Taylor Knox (Major Grange, Golden Dogs) for rounding out the lineup on the few shows we have been able to play through Chris' recovery. We'd also like to acknowledge the efforts of our own esteemed colleague Gregory Macdonald who redoubled his efforts on these shows taking shifts on piano, bass, drums, vocals and percussion. Finally, Chris would like to thank all of the friends and fans for their kindness and support through this difficult time.

Sloan are looking forward to resuming their touring schedule on the release of their new EP. While there are only a couple of shows listed in the calendar right now, we are on the verge of confirming a bunch of dates which will hopefully bring Sloan to a city near you.

Glad to hear Mr. Murphy is okay. His song "Take It Upon Yourself" is the downloadable track from the new EP, which you can get by giving your email address to the band. (You can do it via a widget at the bottom of this post if you like.") It's a Chris Murphy-penned number, recalling classic late-'90s Sloan, and is, in my opinion, one of their strongest singles in a long time. I wouldn't be surprised if more U.S. tour dates turn up soon. Currently known dates are below...

--taken from: Brooklyn Vegan

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Chris preparing for Rocktoberfest @ Queensmount Arena in Kitchener, Ontario

--taken from: Sloanmusic's mobypicture

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Question from Patrick

Should I buy this? Gregory Macdonald says no, and he's the one selling it. Btw it's $169.

--taken from: DT666's mobypicture