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Monday, June 17, 2013

NXNE 2013 in Review: Five Days That Will Live in Infamy

--taken from: Torontoist

by Steve Fisher
photos taken by Corbin Smith

Best Nostalgia Show: Sloan
FROM: Toronto, Ontario via Halifax, Nova Scotia
PERFORMED: Friday, June 14, 11 p.m., at The Great Hall

Reason: There were plenty of veteran pop rock acts that fans were waxing nostalgic about this year at NXNE. Local band Tangiers reunited after 10 years apart, turning The Garrison into a sweaty sauna during their 10-song set. Evan Dando thrilled fans at the Rivoli with renditions of classic Lemonheads songs like “Confetti.” But the biggest crowd pleaser was Sloan. The band, now recognized as the quintessential Canuck rock band of the ’90s, thrilled long-time adherents by playing its first-ever EP, Peppermint, from start to finish.

Best Moment: It’s a tough call, but during “Lucky For Me,” we quickly jotted down “thunderous,” and, “drummer (Andrew Scott) is crushing it,” so let’s go with that.

Miscellaneous: Nearly as many fans stuck around after Sloan’s set to see fellow ’90s east coasters Superfriendz.

Verdict: Sloan is Canuck-rock royalty, and the Great Hall was as packed as we’d ever seen it with fans there to pay homage.

--taken from: Torontoist

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