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Friday, August 30, 2013

Unifor holds founding convention: Five things you need to know about the new union

--taken from: rabble

4. Organizing younger workers 

Of all the things you might expect from a union convention, free performances from Stars and Sloan's Chris Murphy were probably not one of them. However, both are scheduled this weekend, with Murphy playing at a Saturday night event at the Sheraton Hotel and Stars headlining a free concert at Nathan Phillips Square. Is Unifor trying to score points with the Pitchfork crowd? Probably not, but they are trying to reach out to a younger generation of activists and workers, many of whom are suffering through precarious working situations and a lack of entry level jobs. Free concerts are just one way to reach out to a demographic that may not have any contact with the labour movement otherwise. It'll be interesting to track what other strategies Unifor leaders employ to attract younger members.

--taken from: rabble

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