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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sloan's Chris Murphy hosts My Playlist

--taken from: CBC music (listen to the playlist here)

by Carole Warren

Sloan fans are going to be very happy with our latest My Playlist. It features Sloan bassist, major songwriter and essentially the guy who keeps it all together — Chris Murphy.

Following a loosely woven theme of "Canadian bands he loves," Murphy punctuates his choices with some great stories, including one where he was required to kiss the ring of the lead singer for a famous Canadian '70s rock band (I kid you not). Another has his father driving through a raging storm to attend a Joni Mitchell concert (Mitchell being the only anomaly to the band theme).

It makes sense that Murphy loves bands. The story of Sloan itself begins near the salty harbour of Halifax in the early '90s, which was literally exploding with musical possibilities. Kids still loved punk, and grunge was about to hit hard. Naturally, like any good Halifax boy, Chris Murphy found some friends and formed a band. Twenty years later, that band is still together with all the original members.

Murphy is more than a little proud of that, and admits that it takes a fair bit of effort and energy to keep things going, the vagaries of the music business — and life — being what they are. So he comes by his love and understanding of bands from a unique vantage point.

Not surprisingly, Murphy has a particular fondness for bands that have some history behind them: the Guess Who, April Wine and Rush. But bands that didn't survive 20 years are also on his list, including fellow Haligonians Jellyfish Babies and Thrush Hermit, and Montreal's the Nils and Local Rabbits.

If you're interested in learning more about what makes Murphy tick musically, his My Playlist show offers real insight.

Chris Murphy's playlist

1. "8:15," the Guess Who
2. "Car on a Hill," Joni Mitchell
3. "I Like to Rock," April Wine
4. "Subdivisions," Rush
5. "It Doesn't Really Matter," Platinum Blonde
6. "Fountains," the Nils
7. "Messiah," Jellyfish Babies
8. "All Dressed Up," Thrush Hermit
9. "Play On," Local Rabbits

--taken from: CBC music (listen to the playlist here)

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