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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Choir! Choir! Choir! Celebrates Five Years

Founders reflect on their favourite performances with the city's no-commitment singing group.

--taken from: Torontoist (read more here)

by Daveed Goldman and Nobu Adilman

On February 2, 2011, Daveed Goldman and Nobu Adilman gathered at the Bosley Real Estate office in Queen West to sing. “We had no idea what we were doing,” the pair suggests. But they did something right: that night, Choir! Choir! Choir! was born.

The casual, no-commitment singing group meets twice-weekly in the city to perform their own twist on pop hits. Since that first night, the group has bounced from Bosley to Adilman’s basement to their current home in the back room at Clinton’s, and has performed with big names in the music industry.

In honour of Choir! Choir! Choir!’s five-year anniversary, Torontoist asked Goldman and Adilman to recount their five favourite performances.

4. John Lennon—Imagine

We have such fond memories of all our Epic Nights! events, which have included singing with Sloan’s Chris Murphy and Jay Ferguson (“Coax Me”), Hey Rosetta!’s Tim Baker (“Carry Me Home”), Joel Plaskett (“When I Close My Eyes”), and Odds’ Craig Northey (“Someone Who’s Cool”). But the biggest one yet was held last December, the climax of our “C!C!C! Sings For Syria” campaign to sponsor a Syrian family in Toronto.

Held on the tragic 35th anniversary of John Lennon’s death, Reuben Bullock, front man of Reuben And The Dark, sang the lead to “Imagine” while a capacity crowd at Lee’s Palace sang backup. The night raised $11,000, and to date, our campaign is nearing $70,000.

--taken from: Torontoist (read more here)

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