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Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Happiness of Pursuit

--taken from: St. Albert Gazette (read more here)

by Scott Hayes

Ladies and Gentlemen ... The Trans-Canada Highwaymen!

Next year, Moe will be zig-zagging the Great White North as part of supergroup The Trans-Canada Highwaymen along with Sloan's Chris Murphy, Steven Page (ex-lead singer of the Barenaked Ladies), and Craig Northey (Odds). They're being guided along by theatrical director and producer Jim Millan, the fellow behind the most recent Kids in the Hall reunion tour.

Millan said, “I had the idea of putting Moe and Chris Murphy and Craig Northey together as a group people would die to see. Craig was on the road with Steven and they all jumped on the idea.”

In a recent FYI Music News article, reporter Kerry Doole quoted Northey saying that Moe was a driving force in the project. Perhaps that's putting it mildly.

“If Moe Berg wants to rock, you don't get in his way, you just say, ‘let's go.'”

They've had a gig or two in Ontario to find their sea legs but the great news is that a tour is already in the booking phase and it's set to kick off in April. Fingers are surely crossed across the Western provinces for a date or two where Moe first stomped on campus stages and hotel rock room fold-up platforms.

My fingers are crossed.

--taken from: St. Albert Gazette (read more here)

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