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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What's your favourite festival memory?

--taken from: CBC music

by Jesse Kinos-Goodin

Chris Murphy In 1992, the Arch Angels had to cancel their appearance at a festival at Parlee Beach in New Brunswick. Our band, Sloan, did not own our own gear at the time but we were asked to open the show that also included Steve Miller, Extreme and Sass Jordan. We ended up playing in front of 30,000 people with crappy rented gear. It was a time when we prided ourselves on our lack of professionalism so the crowd was in for a rude awakening. We rolled around on the stage and unleashed as many originals as we could squeeze into what was probably a half hour. Some people in the crowd seemed to like it but there were certainly a lot of middle fingers raised. We had a blast. We played volleyball backstage but were asked to stop briefly as Extreme were led through post-set wearing terrycloth robes. We went through an awkward transformation into a band that could deliver every night so any lack of professionalism at this point is unintentional.

--taken from: CBC music

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